Hi guys..it's been awhile since my last post. up until now, my internet connection is still a dream...hehe...not that my boss doesn't want me to have one...it's just that my computer unit is the oldest in this part of the regional office...it is not internet-ready..and it doesn't have a sound-card--for pete's sake... well, i must admit i miss my mini-laptop back at ONB... even my IBM antique unit...whew!
nevertheless, things are doing really great with me here (despite not being able to receive my salary for the last 30 days yet and experiencing all the disappointing things here in gensan.. i'e, traffic violators, drivers who take advantage of their passengers, smelly market place..etc..)... people here are nice and friendly... there's not much pressure with my job and i get to go home early (like 4:30pm) during most days... it's a completely different routine from the one i had for the last 7 years! SEVEN YEARS! i couldn't believe i spent that long in a "pressure-heavy job"... but i really don't consider it a waste of my time...there had been so much learnings with that experience...
okay, stop the melodrama! let me just tell you about the people i work with here...
i am currently working as data encoder here at the regional office... my work is sooo clerical... i think that if i am too low in self-esteem, i'd die in frustration and disappointment..hahaha! but hey! i'm not! so thank GOD... i chose this, after all... basically, i am working with three other people here at the Operations Department of the REgional Office... Mam Luz (the BOA Head), Sir Ike, and Ivie...
Mam Luz is motherly. I like her. She always buys food for merienda..hehe
Sir Ike is very funny... His punchlines are wacky... people here say he's suplado... i also think so, but nevertheless, i like him because he brightens my day with his crazy, wacky punchlines...we often laugh around when he is his funny self... ;-)
Ivie is sweet... she really made me feel at home during my first days here... she's so young... just 21..but she's good...---- well,no doubt..MSUan man gud! hehehe...
All in all, I am getting by here. Things are less complicated... SErene... despite not having all the renumeration i had back then (as if it was soo high..hehe)... truly, money is not everything... it could not buy peace and happiness...
Well,that's all folks...See you all on tating's bridal shower. miss you so much...
Cara Mengatasi Bps Spt Sebelumnya Belum Ada
1 year ago
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