Finally!!! I have transferred to my new house. Weng and Bordie adopted me for almost a month!!! And now.....
I'm still struggling with the clutter...the house is still a mess...but me and my housemates are slowly getting by. Soon enough, it will be okay.
Several stuff are still with the Carillo's ( Weng and BOrdie, that is, in case you don't know...hehehe... )...the fridge, the AC, the washing machine. I'm thinkng of selling these things out as my housemates have the same appliances as mine so I don't think I need them right now.
My room is soooo cute, literally, 'coz it's like 5 square meters and I'd have to deal with all my "buting-things"...yah know... I still keep the mementos y'all have given me since college ( mushy huh??? ) and the latest ones I've gotten last Christmas. I have now reserved a space for the souvenir/s I'll get from the Porsuelo-Battung nuptials...hehehe...
By the way,I have not reported for work since last Friday becoz of the move ins and outs. My boss I think is fuming with rage ( na-ah, I think she loves me 'coz I know I'm lovable :) ). My body is suffering from sooooo much pain, what with all the adrenaline I've used up for the past days. Feels like I'm a dead meat!!!
And gosh, let me share with you the summer heat we're experiencing here!!! It's soooooo freakingly hot!!! I take a shower like 3 times a day just to cool down a little. And a few minutes later, I am drenched with my perspiration again!!! And I so-so hate sweating 'coz it's lke ewwwwww...( maarte???? )
Okey guys, so much for my ka-OA-yan ( which Weng still struggles to keep up with, but I'm sure in time she'll manage to hek-hek ). I hope y'all are doing great.
Vhora, I forgot to greet you on your exact bithdate but I think I was the one who greeted you 2 or 3 weeks in advance. Bonald, I seldom reply to your text messages 'coz the Sun doesn't shine so bright in this side of the country (gets?). Sandy, it's the other way around with you!!! You don't reply to my texts!!! But I know you're so busy so I understand. Gaga, wazzup with you gurl? One moment you're online, the next minute you're off and that happens a lotta times in a day! Betchay!!! Your comments in the Sperbag box are really funny, you sure haven't changed a bit gurl. And oh, I have Binsoy's YM now and he's as busy as a bee these days. Adrian, our future mayor (Hera texted us you were in a radio program the other day). The former vice mayor on the other hand has been silent for quite some time now. Minda? And boy, look at Elj's pix!!!! Hell he enjoyed his Bangkok trip so much. Jasper? How's PICHA Hut? Vyena finally sent me a message thru FS and I can tell she has trimmed down!! And Palyn? Busy sa lovelife??? Pag sure teh...
LAstly, Weng and BOrdie I can't thank you enough for the help. I invaded your privacy but you still managed to do your "thing" while I was Weng pa?! Dili palabot wala'y BLEEEEPPPP. Last na lng ka....
Cara Mengatasi Bps Spt Sebelumnya Belum Ada
1 year ago
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