They say people come and go in
your life. I have always thought some will choose to stay. But just lately I
realized, even if they have chosen to stay, there will come a time when you
just have to let them go. Either you have to move along, or they have decided
to move forward.
I wasn’t really a social
butterfly. Sure I have a handful of friends. A couple of handfuls maybe but I
never belonged to a huge group. Not until I found the LMS, anyway. I never
really thought college days would be the best part of student life. For me.
It all started with daily huddles
at the cottages infront of the Gemma Buildings, right? Comparing notes, copying
assignments, sharing crushes, and just simply fooling around. Then there were
walks to Statistics class, noon break hikes under the scorching sun, and over-the-bakod
adventures. How could I forget PE classes! Gymnastics and the famous “Follow
through” line for bowling lessons.
College projects brought us
together stronger, I believe (even for the non-business ad LMS who shared their
talents. You know who you are!). Staying up all night hammering on nail heads,
putting on the floor mat, pushing the countertops in place for retailing class.
Eve Custard Cake and some others for Marketing 101. The infamous Japanese
kimono (Moshi! Moshi!) for International Marketing. Then there were rainy nights at the beach.
The boxes and piles of paper for our seminar-facilitating practicum. Field
trips, debating team, business studies, and business law subjects.

Life was simple then. No cellular
phones. The internet access was too expensive. Yet we arrived on time during
meetings or waited (though I can’t say “patiently”) for latecomers. I still
remember one chose to stay behind to wait for the other during one of our
out-of-town trips. Those were the days when our lives revolved around waking up
each day, eating breakfast, change of clothes, and head to the university in
our faded jeans, dusty sneakers that haven’t been washed for the longest time,
colored t-shirts, back packs, and bandanas. Sunglasses were even considered a
luxury, weren’t they? Those were the days when our P700 monthly stipend can
already buy us a pair of jeans and four Jollibee Burger value meals. With
Of course we get to experience
some of life’s realities during those bygone college years. Fell inlove. Broken
hearts. INCs. Removals. Professors’ Wrath. Misunderstandings. We’ve fallen
apart along the way, but stuck it up together in the end. I guess that was what
made the friendship a whole lot special. Sticking it out under one umbrella when
the rain pour in torrents.
But college life didn’t last long
enough. So we fought our way through the corporate world. Celebrations after
passing employment exams and interviews, Complaints about inept supervisors and
crying over promotions that was rightfully ours yet was given to others. We
bought cellphones, laptops, and digital cameras, which would later on be
replaced with Iphones, Ipads, and huge cameras with expensive lenses.

Then we learned to travel far. It
was one thing to look forward to. Waking up before dawn for early flights,
taking photos, sharing orders, arguing whether to go caving or not, taking
photos, wearing bikinis, walking endlessly, taking photos, jump shots, coffee, souvenir
shirts, tickets, and more photos.

Over the years, many things
happened in between jobs and friendship and life. Many came along. Others moved
out of town for greener pastures, others went farther, and some chose to stay.
Some got married, others had children, and some got their hearts broken one
more time.
There was someone bound to be
not around during Christmas Parties even if they were scheduled to fit
everyone’s most convenient time. Birthdays were attended by one or if you’re
lucky, five. Suddenly, you find barbecue and cake leftovers in the fridge the
following morning. There used to be none some five years back. No more
sleepovers either. Our busy schedules and locations don’t permit that anymore.

Sometimes, I feel that we have
grown apart. More than just physically, I believe. The internet and telephones
may have been useful to keep in touch, but it’s just not the same.
I miss the sound of laughter over shared
meals and arguments over who have paid and who have not after those shared
meals. Oh well, this feeling has always been there since we got out of college.
When we no longer spent everyday together. When we each started to have friends
and officemates of our own. When there were things going on for each of us that
we did not wish to share or let the others know. When we started holding back
and not telling enough.

But the thing is, even if what
I’m feeling is true… that we have grown apart, that is, I know we always have a
friend in each other. I guess we have shared so much, enough to bridge the gap
between us then and now. You know that feeling when you are in the midst of a
group, in the office or somewhere else, and no one seems to care, and then you
don’t care at all, because in your heart, you know there is always one group
you belong to. One friendship that will always be there. Silent and far, maybe.
But they are there. Always there. Ready to take you in. Defend you when you’re
being attacked. Bail you out in any bad situation. Treat you out. Care enough
to give you pasalubongs. Make you laugh. And make you cry sometimes.

Ours is a friendship built on
acceptance. One of the things I will always be proud of, will keep, and would
wish my children to have, in the future. It is melodramatic, but I wish I have
written enough, or even just a bit of the things that each of us feel about
each other. About this friendship shared for a long time.

One day, we will find ourselves
huddled together at one Jollibee store talking about our favorite topic, the
PAST. Only this time, we will be sporting on gray strands, eyeglasses, and complaining
about carpal tunnel syndrome.
But for now, let me just say:
Hope to see you all on December
25, 2012 with your WIGS on.
Disclaimer: Bonald, this wig you're wearing is over used. Please use a different one. As per request by the general audience. ;)
Happy HOLIDAYS, LMS. So love you!