Yup, it's already April friendz. We're on the 2nd quarter of 2009. And yup, it's 2009!!! A lotta things have happened in the months that passed... more so in the years that had gone by. How times really fly sooooo fast. Now, we're nearing the 30-ish stage. In a blink of an eye, we'll be in our mid-life!!! But I'm sure, most of you will have to agree that WE LIVE OUR LIVES TO THE FULLEST.
NO one can ever say that we regret who we are right now. That remorse is just lurking around the corner ready to eat us up whenever it feels like to. You know what I mean? That WE ARE WHAT WE ARE because we chose to...not because somebody forcibly dragged us into where we are at now. Needless to say, we are leading the path we chose to take.
I'm not really sure if all of us can say that "gone were the days of immaturity". That we all now face the challenges that come our way head on. I feel like it. I take every obstacle as if it has always been there waiting for me..not taking it by surprise..na-ah not at all. And more often than not, I win every challenge..I'd like to think so..'coz after every storm I am still WHOLE, shaken but not broken.
At this period of our lives, we might have come into thinking: Am I really happy? Have I made the right decisions? Did I make my parents, friends and people around me proud? Can they learn and take some things from me? Am I living my life with a purpose?
We might not answer YES to all of these questions, but if we say at least three out of five, then we are good to go. But hey, we are still yet to reach the midlife!!! Plenty of time guys...a whole lotta time...
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