Thursday, March 19, 2009

"I was lost..but now I'm found..."--- @lecz laptop

..Yes guys, my laptop is back!!! Teleserye keeu.... or pwede pud pang SOCO or XXX.

At first, when this laptop was stolen I was really in denial. Like I always thought it was just a Ashton (Kutcher, yes that guy in Punk'd) would just suddenly pop up with a handycam and would yell: " Alecz, you were just being PUNK'D!!!" But hell no! It was really true.. a burglar broke in to my house! This laptop and my DVD players were taken.

For a few days I was in daze...not becoz of happiness but otherwise. I was like a dead man (?) walking. My officemates even noticed it..that I was really sooooo freakingly down.

And Boom....the teleserye part happened and Tahir was the main character!!! Sandy will have to tell you that..hehehe.. such a long, funny and frightening story...



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