Monday, February 9, 2009

Travel Review: SAGADA, Mt. Province

It wasn’t just a trip… it was an experience worthy of remembering… it is one memory that will forever be reminisced over and over again for the next couple of decades. going to SAGADA was just a dream for Sandy who had travelled around the archipelago over the last 5 years of her life… and her "visit-sagada-now" passion was so contagious that she was able to convince most of the home-buddies (like me!)to go along on that ala-amazing race itinerary… the ultimate destination was SAGADA, Mt. Province…a 13-hour ride from Manila via Banaue & the rough road of Bontoc… side trips included Baguio & its tourist spots, TAgaytay, & Enchanted Kingdom… Sagada was not actually a place….it is an experience…going there and staying in hotel rooms, going to souveneir shops, eating at their restaurants (that serve great, fresh food in enormous servings!), & enjoying the fresh air & cold water (the coldest i’ve ever laid my skin on!) are not at all the main events…they are just garnishings on the plate…. the real delicacy was visiting non-common sites like caves, rivers, falls, & burial sites… this might sound really unappealing to the non-mountaineer slash mall goers but trust me, you will never experience Sagada if those i’ve mentioned are not part of your schedule… getting to the sites and seeing them for real is so rewarding…

Sumaguing Cave was an incredible work of nature… the experience we had visiting it was worth relieving over and over again… i will forever be grateful because i have experienced being there. it will be something i will be able to share to my kids in the future. i hope that they will be lucky enough to be able to experience SAgada themselves….that by the time they are old enough and fit to travel on their own, sagada will still be unspoiled and beautiful as it is today. a place oozing with cultural heritage, nice people, and amazing sceneries…

P.S. I would also want to extend my deepest gratitude to the following:

- God Almighty for the provision and security.
- Sandy: for being such a great "convincer"..hehe
- My LMS family: for your great company. always! Boracay na next year!
- To our guides in Sagada: you guys are the best! - Boboy: for loving me despite my topak periods! hehehe…
Bora Sangre: Originally posted on June 19, 2007; Friendster Blogsite


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