When I visited Gha, it was around 2pm and visiting hours sa nursery would resume at 4pm til 6pm. So I have to wait for a little while to see Bay Zam.
Gha could not accompany me sa nursery since she needs to take a rest kay murag dugay-dugay pud among chika and medyo nagalisod siya ug lakaw, naga kirot man gud ang iyang tahi.
When the clock strikes 4:00, Auntie Nemia, Uncle Boy and I hurriedly went to the nursery to see Baby Zam. By the time we visited Baby Zam she was 2days old then.
I rang the doorbell to ask the nurse to let me in, a nurse opened the door and I asked her if they allow visitors to come in. She said that only the baby's parents are allowed to enter the premises, this is a policy of the hospital. I did not insist, instead I requested the nurse to take some videos of Baby Zam. She eagerly took the flip cam and headed towards Baby Zam after I taught her how to use the device.
Gha told me that Baby Zam weighs 700g only. I teased Gha that I'll call her daughter as 3/4... She just laugh, but that was just a joke to cheer her up.
She needs to be incubated for a little longer. She needs to gain weight and grow big. You can compare her size to a ruler or smaller than a 1 liter Coke bottle. That's how small and fragile Baby Zam is.
The doctor said she is doing well compared to her roommate (the baby next to her) who has more devices attached to his/her body.
Baby Zam would have to stay a little longer in Brokenshire until she's fully grown. Gha would have to visit her everyday. She can only touch Baby Zam hands and could not carry her. But I know that 1 day Gha can carry Baby Zam and bring her home where she can sing her a lullaby and held her close to her heart. But for now it has to be this way.
***Taweng Erps
Cara Mengatasi Bps Spt Sebelumnya Belum Ada
1 year ago
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