And all I thought si Eljoie ra ang naay problema sa schedule... sa last part kamu diay tanan????!!! tanan mu explain ug 20 pages na karon..back-to-back ha?.... LAST! LAST! LAST!LAST!
Lesson Learned: Busy-har na ged mung tanan! Kamu na ged!
So basing on the premise that most of you have already set their minds on a December 26th Christmas Party, then let's just have it on that day nalang jud... For those who will not make it, please make sure you will be able to attend Bechay's Bridal Shower.
Eljoie, there's only one thing I can say... straight from President Gloria's mouth: I'M SORRY. :-(
Thank you all.
Cara Mengatasi Bps Spt Sebelumnya Belum Ada
1 year ago
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