Thursday, November 19, 2009



Weng is currently "irk", because up until now, we haven't finalized the schedule of our Christmas Party... So, without further ado, I hereby declare, December 29, 2009 as the official Christmas party date so that Eljoie could at least attend the party. Well, if he couldn't, then he will have to explain in ten (10) pages of Legal Size Paper - Back-to-Back. We have rescheduled the party in respect of his very busy and demanding schedule and for him to make up to the fact that he will not be available to attend the wedding of the year!.... and he wasn't around too during this year's wedding of the year...and last year, either... are we at the least of his priorities, already?...That, he will have to explain if he will not be around for this year's party.
All other matters regarding the said event (as previously announced) continue to be enforceable.

I hope the committee are already somehow working on their specific tasks.

See you guys soon.

Secretary General (of the Bride to be),
The President


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