Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hi guys,

here are the details of our christmas party this year.

Date: December 26, 2009
Time: 6PM

Venue: Oscar & Marietta's Residence (Manga St., Acharon Village, Calumpang, GSC)
- I have discussed this with Adrian (venue committee head --& tail), and we have agreed that to save up, we will just hold the party at our house nalang.

Food: Maybe it will be best if we will each contribute a certain food for the party. Wala naman gud cook guys... si Papi, may work na kasi. May duty sya the whole day of that saturday. basi mag apas nalang sya...so, wala na jud mag prepare. Let's share nalang left-overs from our Christmas Handa..what do you think? I'll take care of the softdrinks, rice, and garlic chicken (hehehe).

I have here a list of my suggestion as to what to bring:

Gaga - dessert (moist cake or macaroni salad will do)
Eljoie - Lechon (pwede man kinilo elj...hehe)ayaw pud kalimti ang mang tomas...pwede pud lechon paksiw! ;-)
Reynald - three bottles Wine (red wine/champagne..)
Romeo - Barbecue (gikan ug san pedro lagao)
Jasper/Vince/ - Fruits
Sandy - Chocolates and cookies from Singapore!!!!! and kinilaw! best keeums!
Weng/Bordie - Ice Cream or any dessert
Bechilin - Puto Cheese and tuna menu (pwede nilagpad/sugbang panga, etc...)
Palynn - Bulad from CEBU! plus otap, ampao, etc..

Kinsa pa wala????

Outfit: It's time to raid your closets! Be in your old college-day shirt/jeans/shoes...anything from college...(diploma will even do..haha!)

Gifts: For everyone. Same as last year.

That's all folks.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


with cebu hosts (palynch & mayang) :-)

Friday, November 20, 2009


And all I thought si Eljoie ra ang naay problema sa schedule... sa last part kamu diay tanan????!!! tanan mu explain ug 20 pages na karon..back-to-back ha?.... LAST! LAST! LAST!LAST!

Lesson Learned: Busy-har na ged mung tanan! Kamu na ged!

So basing on the premise that most of you have already set their minds on a December 26th Christmas Party, then let's just have it on that day nalang jud... For those who will not make it, please make sure you will be able to attend Bechay's Bridal Shower.

Eljoie, there's only one thing I can say... straight from President Gloria's mouth: I'M SORRY. :-(

Thank you all.


Thursday, November 19, 2009



Weng is currently "irk", because up until now, we haven't finalized the schedule of our Christmas Party... So, without further ado, I hereby declare, December 29, 2009 as the official Christmas party date so that Eljoie could at least attend the party. Well, if he couldn't, then he will have to explain in ten (10) pages of Legal Size Paper - Back-to-Back. We have rescheduled the party in respect of his very busy and demanding schedule and for him to make up to the fact that he will not be available to attend the wedding of the year!.... and he wasn't around too during this year's wedding of the year...and last year, either... are we at the least of his priorities, already?...That, he will have to explain if he will not be around for this year's party.
All other matters regarding the said event (as previously announced) continue to be enforceable.

I hope the committee are already somehow working on their specific tasks.

See you guys soon.

Secretary General (of the Bride to be),
The President
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