Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fantastic! What can i say?

Hello to eljoi, sandy and elmer;

i am now at the Changi Airport (Time: 4:07pm) waiting for the boarding time.
Just want to thank you guys for your time. I really enjoyed the trip! That was
fantastic! What can i say? ehehehe. i couldnt imagine my sg/kl/indo trips without

elj, i am so grateful for your generousity. hmmm ala 5 star jud ako accom.hehehehe
what can i say? hmmm perfect! hehehehe. And of course the photoshots, super pro na jud! as in pang billboard na jud! Thank you so much Elj!:-)

San, terima kasih sa itinerary na ginawa mo. wa jud ko nasaag, except lang naabot ko
sa carpark at the esplanade.hehehe.Thank also for allowing me to borrow the cam.

To brother elmer, thanks for the time. i really enjoyed it so much! dont forget the Undang-Undang dan Peraturan. Terima Kasih!

'Til the next trip!



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