Monday, February 1, 2010

GOD's Provision

Hi Guys! As I have repeatedly told you, 2009 had been a difficult year for me and Boboy... It was a year of financial scarcity and emotional stress. But everytime I look back to that year, I am always filled with awe for that was the time that God revealed HIS divine providence to us. It was that time when HE, with all HIS faithfulness, showed us what it really means to be LOVED by HIM. I do not wish that you will also experience that scarcity in life... but in times when you think that things are not enough, I hope that the succeeding article would inspire you and give you strength... and most of all, make you see such trial as God's way of letting you know that HE loves you more than anything else. love, Hera...

By: Rick Warren

Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:32-33 (NLT)

God promises to meet all your financial needs, if you (1) ask him for help; (2) learn to be content; (3) practice giving in faith; (4) maintain your integrity; and (5) trust him with your life --

Worry is really just a form of atheism. Every time you worry, you're acting like an atheist. You're saying, "It all depends on me." That's just not in the Bible.

Worry is a warning light that you doubt the love of God. Yet, the Bible says God "provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever." (Psalm 111:5, NIV)

And tithe book of Romans tells us that God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for you to pay for your salvation. If God loves you enough to send his own son to die for you, don't you think he loves you enough to take care of your bills?

Don't you realize that any other problem is minor by comparison, that he solved your biggest problem when he saved you? The bottom line is really this: Am I going to believe that God will do what he says he will do -- that he will provide for me?

If you're serious about being set free from financial fears, then it's your choice. But you must choose to do what God has clearly told you to do. He's laid it out. He said, "I will do this -- the promise -- if you will obey the premise."

I want to challenge you to solidify your commitment --

  • Are you willing to ask God for the things you need, rather than going out and charging for them?
  • Are you willing to learn to be content?
  • Are you willing to worship with your tithe as God has commanded and believe that he's going to take care of your needs?
  • Are you willing to live with integrity and be honest in your finances?
  • Are you willing to trust Jesus Christ completely with every area of your life?


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