Monday, October 11, 2010


Hi Everyone!

Please note that this year's Christmas Party Theme is: FUNNY HATS
Thus, everyone is enjoined to wear the funniest hat they could come up with.

Also, there will be a Christmas Presentation. Here are the groupings:

Group 1: Boboy, Hera, Alee
Group 2: Elmer, Sandy, Bechilin
Group 3: Bordie, Taweng, Russell
Group 4: Reynald, Gaga, Mhing, Vince
Group 5: Adrian, Blossoms, Jasper

I did not include those who are not yet sure to attend (Palynn,Alex,Eljoie)...
Kinsa pa ba wala nako na include?

Judges are: Chengkay/Steven/Jackie

See you all on the 26th if December 2010!

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